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Located in Volta da Barca, in Pessegueiro do Vouga, this is a viewpoint overlooking the River Vouga, from where you can see the entire Quinta do Barco River Beach area and the adjacent park.

Volta da Barca Belvedere
Volta da Barca Belvedere
Volta da Barca Belvedere

From there you can also see the Pessegueiro road bridge (Ponte do Abade), upstream from the River Vouga, and the Grela dam and mini-hydroelectric plant.


Following the course of the River Vouga, the EN16 and the houses around it, some in the manor house style that characterise this riverside area of the parish of Pessegueiro so well.


Further north and overlooking the river is the village of Barquinha, a small cluster of enchanted houses that are commonly referred to as the "little island of Madeira".
