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Type: Circular

Distance: 5,850 metres

Duration: +/- 2 hours

Difficulty: Medium-low

Gradient: Moderate

PR6 - Amiais Trail
PR6 - Amiais Trail
PR6 - Amiais Trail

Departure and arrival - Couto de Cima, next to the parish church.


This route takes us to visit two of the most historic villages in the parish of Couto de Esteves, Couto de Baixo and Amiais. The latter is labelled "Aldeias de Portugal". Amiais and its community threshing floor display an interesting set of 7 granaries.


This whole ensemble of rural architecture, now enhanced by the reservoir that spreads out at its feet, impresses anyone who visits Amiais.


The route also passes through some woodlands intersected by some water lines.
