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The River Vouga rises in the Serra da Lapa, in the municipality of Sernancelhe, and flows into Aveiro, attracting abundant biodiversity with its water and well-preserved riparian galleries.

Rio Vouga – Rede Natura 2000
Rio Vouga – Rede Natura 2000
Rio Vouga – Rede Natura 2000

The river flows through a valley lined with migratory fish species such as shad and savannah, where brook lamprey, otters and Lusitanian salamanders also predominate, and whose banks have a riparian gallery with unique characteristics.


Sever do Vouga is part of the Natura 2000 Network, which aims to preserve the natural habitats of wild flora and fauna as a means of conserving biological diversity, granting the River Vouga the designation of Site of Community Interest (SCI).


Representing this "brand" signifies a commitment to valuing and preserving the environment that defines us.
