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Waterfalls have been around for thousands of years and create truly bucolic landscapes with valuable biodiversity. They vary in number and size, depending on the season and the hardness and typology of the rocks that make up the riverbed.


Sever do Vouga has so far identified around 18 waterfalls, some intervened and others still in their natural state, some accessible and others difficult to reach. With water courses still to be explored, the number of waterfalls in Sever do Vouga's territory could be further expanded.

Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall
Cabreia Waterfall

Undoubtedly beautiful and relaxing, the Cabreia Waterfall, with a height of around 25 metres, offers visitors a bit of everything: the freshness caused by the fall of water into the river basin, the shade and bucolic nooks and crannies caused by the dense and orderly vegetation and the built heritage caused by the presence of the water mills and the picnic area to support those who want to combine rest and contemplation with the enjoyment of a tasting surrounded by contagious tranquillity.


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