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The Cabria Waterfall is located in the parish of Talhadas between the towns of Boucinha and Cortez, on the Cabria stream, a tributary of the Alfusqueiro river.


Its spontaneous beauty is manifested not only by the water, but also by the abundant environment of sumptuous natural elements.

Cabria Waterfall
Cabria Waterfall

A road bridge built in 1932 can be seen over the stream.


The Cabria stream used to feed some community mills, two of which can still be seen next to the waterfall.


The stream bed and the surrounding area are home to various species, such as trout, frogs, yellow salamanders, green salamanders, hedgehogs, jays, blackbirds, thrushes and crows.


The leafy vegetation is made up of ferns, willow trees, gibberellos, spleenwort, oak, spleenwort and hawthorn, among others.
