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On the eastern slope of the Braçal mountain range is the Braçal mining complex, where the Mau river flows, but further upstream it becomes the Bom river with its calmer waters.


During its course, the flow becomes more violent until it falls into a waterfall over 20 metres high - the Cabreia Waterfall.


The waters continue their course and at Minas do Braçal they form another waterfall, this one much less steep, but just as beautiful.

Braçal Mines Waterfall

Here, the flora is luxuriant, where ferns and mosses colour the riverbed in shades of green, with banks full of life, with holly, hazel, cork oak, oak, laurel, the rare insectivorous penguin plant and pigeon grass.


The fauna is also generous here, with the blackbird, the great tit, the water blackbird, the blue jay and the great horseshoe bat standing out.
