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Handicrafts are the creative and living expression of our people's habits and customs. The art and mastery of those who learnt the craft from an early age give rise to unique pieces of incomparable workmanship.




It's knowledge passed down from generation to generation, the transmission of knowledge to make those who visit us aware of the best that is made in Sever do Vouga.

Sever do Vouga Artisan House
Sever do Vouga Artisan House
Sever do Vouga Artisan House

Customs and traditions are kept alive through the ages through creative expressions of local art.


At the Casa do Artesão you can find manifestations of bygone times in basketry, weaving, clogs, stonework, cooperage, leather goods, wooden miniatures and other locally produced items, such as those derived from our fruit of excellence - the blueberry.


The identity of a people lies in the uniqueness of its culture, which is so well represented in the Casa do Artesão de Sever do Vouga.
