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The municipality of Sever do Vouga stands out for its countless stories of enchantment, stories that lie dormant in the imagination of generations, which turn the illusory into the distinctive reality of a people - these are the legends of Sever do Vouga, a vital part of the cultural and historical heritage of our people.

Legends and Alminhas
Legends and Alminhas
Legends and Alminhas
Legends and Alminhas
Legends and Alminhas

Alminhas (shrines) are small stone monuments that have their roots in long-lasting spiritual experiences, marked by the slow pace of isolation characteristic of rural environments; reasons that characterise the deep identity of these people.


Proof of their faith and devotion are the "Alminhas" that abound in Severão, sometimes at crossroads, soothing a collective cry for departed loved ones and offering protection to passing travellers.


The legends and shrines are a collection that allows the community to interpret the indecipherable.


There are around 275 Alminhas identified in our territory:

Shrines in Cedrim: 25
Alminhas in Couto de Esteves: 59
Shrines in Dornelas: 19
Shrines in Paradela do Vouga: 5
Shrines in Pessegueiro do Vouga: 22
Shrines in Rocas do Vouga: 44
Shrines in Sever do Vouga: 42
Shrines in Silva Escura: 43
Shrines in Talhadas: 16
Total number of shrines: 275

There are many legends that sometimes give an answer to the occult and inexplicable:

Legend of the Moura da Cerqueira
Legend of the Cabreia Treasure
Legend of the Moorish Stones
Legend of the Black Man from Casa da Fonte
Legend of the Separation of the Carved Stones
Legend of the bell of St Mary of Sever
Legend of St James
Legend of Sever do Vouga (name)
Legend of the Black Well or Moorish Well
Legend of the Azeiteiro and the Vinagreiro
Legend of Cabeça da Moura
Legend of the Cântaro de Oiro
Legend of the Avideira
Legend of Cabeço do Castro
Legend of the Little Miracle Woman
Legend of Another Moorish Stone
Legend of St Maria da Serra
Legend of St Matthew
Legend of the Golden Orange Tree
Legend of the Mass Gate

Legend of the Moor of Cerqueira

"In the days when the Moors dominated this region, a very large and very arrogant Moor took her son on her lap and a spinning wheel to spin linen. One day she sat down by the side of the road to breastfeed her son and enemies appeared in great numbers. To save herself, she turned herself into a Moorish stone. Even now, the inhabitants of Coval and Cerqueira hear the Moor's moans on certain nights when the moon is full."


Legend of the Cabreia Treasure

"There's a legend that says the Moors dropped a grid of gold into the deepest well of Cabreia, in Silva Escura. According to the legend, it can be recovered with two black oxen and the book of St Cyprian, with a prayer in the book."


Legend of the Moorish Stones

"The ancients used to say that there were some Moorish stones in Senhorinha. One day, a young boy climbed a pine tree to collect pine cones and, looking away, saw a man with a woman on his back. He set her down on a rock and said: - Stay there, Moor, until the purslane sprouts, grows and gives seed. The Moor disappeared, turning into a stone, then the boy tried to find out what purslane was. He poured soil on the stone and sowed the seeds. He looked after them, watered them, until the purslane bore fruit. When they were ripe, the Moor appeared and the boy... married her!"
