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Formerly the Cineteatro Alba, now the Sever do Vouga Centre for the Arts and Performing Arts since 16 November 2001, following its redevelopment by the Municipality of Sever do Vouga. A multicultural, dynamic space committed to local and national culture.

Sever do Vouga Arts and Entertainment Centre
Sever do Vouga Arts and Entertainment Centre

In 1951, the Cineteatro Alba opened in Sever do Vouga. The same name was used for the Albergaria-a-Velha Cineteatro, which had opened a year earlier. And in the same year, 1950, the Estarreja Cineteatro opened for business.


In 2001, the old Cineteatro Alba in Sever do Vouga gave way to the current Centro das Artes e do Espetáculo, which opened on 16 November 2001.


This municipalisation of cultural activities is very commendable in itself.
