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The corridor is 2.10 metres long, has eight shafts and, inside, fragments of the roof slabs and stones from the tumulus. The Anta da Capela dos Mouros is located in Arcas, a village attached to the parish of Talhadas in the municipality of Sever do Vouga, and is an archaeological vestige of a small dolmen with a rectangular chamber. The chamber measures around 1.60 m x 80 cm. It includes two in situ shafts, arranged to the north and south of the building.

Moorish Chapel Dolmen
Moorish Chapel Dolmen

What would probably have been the head post and the post facing east are located next to the west wall of the chamber. No trace of an access corridor was found. The tumulus preserves an area of 25 m², 5 metres long and five metres wide, with traces of stone armour.


The Anta da Capela dos Mouros (Moorish Chapel Dolmen) is located in the parish of Talhadas, in the place of Arcas and represents a place of worship and funerary nature of our ancestors.


In this archaeological monument, contrary to what is usual, both the pillars of the aisle and those of the burial chamber are at practically the same height. The chamber is rectangular and it is estimated that this is one of the oldest megalithic monuments in the region, built around 6,000 years ago.
